新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《星球大战:前线2》推出小说“地狱小队”


Novel the launch of Star Wars: the front 2 team "hell"

2017-04-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

星球大战的粉丝们都很期待EA将会在今年推出的《星球大战:前线2》,不过该游戏需要到11月份才能上市,当然这里粉丝们可以提前先看看小说过一下瘾。 小说封面 在年度星战庆典上除了《星球大战:前线2》的公布,还有对应的剧情小说,小说名为《星球大战:前线2 -地狱小队》(Star Wars: Battlefront II – Inferno Squad),该小说将会在夏季推出,并填补游戏单人剧情模式在情节上的一些空缺。 该书由Christie Golden编写,这本书本来打算作为去年外传侠盗一号电影的补充小说来撰写,但后来改成了为“前线2”服务的内容,该小说将会探索游戏中单人剧情主人公Id...

Star Wars fans are very much looking forward to the EA will be launched in this year's "Star Wars: the front 2", but the game need to November, here, of course, fans can see first novel addiction over it in advance. The cover On the annual celebration of Star Wars as well as the "Star Wars: the front 2", and the corresponding plot novel, the novel named "Star Wars: the front 2 - hell team" (Star Wars: Battlefront II - Inferno Squad), the novel will be launched in the summer, and fill the game some vacancies on the single-player scenarios in the plot. The book written by Christie Golden, this book is meant to supplement gaiden grand number one movie last year to write the novel, but later changed to "2" at the front service content, the novel will explore the game single story protagonist Id...

标签: 星球大战