新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂:《超级马里奥跑酷》Android版营收未达预期


Nintendo: "super Mario parkour" Android version revenue not exceeding the expectation"

2017-03-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

3月27日消息,《超级马里奥跑酷》是任天堂在去年发布的手游,而这也是任天堂历史上真正意义的手游。游戏发布会后,便受到了不少的关注。在登陆iOS后,这款游戏于上周正式登陆Android系统,在此之前,因为付费模式的问题,出现了玩家流失的问题。任天堂想借助Android版的推出挽回玩家。不过,据任天堂总裁君岛达己却表示这款游戏的销售成绩却远远没有达到公司的预期。 君岛达己在接受采访时表示,《超级马里奥跑酷》未达到公司所设置的目标销量。这其中与游戏的付费模式有着直接关系,虽然在发布后不久成绩斐然,但习惯于免费游戏的玩家却不想额外支付9.99美元来进行接下来的操作。早在今年1月,任天堂便表示仅有5%的玩家愿意支付这笔费用。(菩提)

On March 27, the super Mario parkour is nintendo mobile game released in the last year, and it is also a nintendo truly mobile game in history. The game conference, was a lot of attention. After landing in iOS, this game last week officially hit the Android system, before this, because of the payment model, the loss of players. Nintendo to use the Android version of the launch of the players. But, according to the nintendo President jun island of his own, but says sales of the game, but far from achieving the company's expectations. Jun island has said in an interview, "super Mario parkour" did not meet company sales target set by the. It and the payment mode of the game have a direct relationship, though great achievements have been made in shortly after release, but used to free game players don't want to pay an extra $9.99 for the next operation. As early as January, nintendo said only 5% of users are willing to pay for the cost. (bodhi)

标签: 任天堂 Android