新关注 > 信息聚合 > 相约3月24日 《圣剑契约》新资料片内容曝光

相约3月24日 《圣剑契约》新资料片内容曝光

The new content of the March 24th holy sword contract is exposed.

2017-03-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

强者准入,极限对决!逗萌奇幻卡牌手游《圣剑契约》,将在3月24日迎来全新资料片“跨服激战”。全网排名的跨服竞技场、神秘红色精华等全新玩法今日正式曝光,如果你想要在新版本中一马当先的话,就快来抢先了解一下吧! 强者准入 跨服竞技 实力、智慧、荣耀……即将在“跨服激战”上线的跨服竞技场,可不是玩家友好切磋领奖励的休闲玩法,而是各区强者证明自己的终极擂台。在这个特殊的竞技场里,胜者不仅可以占据获得全网可见的最强排行榜,还能在特殊商店中换取各种豪华奖励。 《圣剑契约》新推出的跨服竞技玩法,将采取周末限时开放的方式进行,只有每周结算后竞技场排名在一定范围内的玩家,才可以获得参赛资格。跨服...

Strong entry, extreme duel! Funny magic card game Tour "holy sword contract", will usher in a new March 24th movie "cross service fierce battle". The full - net rankings of cross - Costume competition arena, mysterious red essence and other new play today is officially exposed, if you want to be in the new version of the first horse, soon to get to know it! The strong admittance cross suit competitive strength, wisdom, glory... The forthcoming cross - Costume arena, which is on the line of "cross service", is not a casual game that is friendly and friendly, but is the ultimate demonstration of its own. In this special arena, the winner not only takes up the strongest rankings that can be seen in the whole network, but also returns a variety of luxury awards in special stores. "Saint sword contract" newly launched cross dress competitive play, will take the way of time limit open at the weekend, only after a week after the settlement of the arena in a certain range of players, can be qualified. Cross suit...