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青春学院开课 《大话西游》手游通风幻阵副本来袭

"A Chinese Odyssey" youth academy commencement of mobile game ventilation phantom copy attack

2017-03-16 15:48:46来源: 任玩堂

今日,由 vivo 冠名《大话西游》手游“大话青春学院”正式开课!“校长”胡歌携手“颜值导师”陈一发、“才艺导师”杨迪高调助阵,“神秀堂”、“聚贤阁”两大阵营,颜值与才华的巅峰对决正式火爆开场。与此同时,魔王窟副本玩法今日迎来全新升级,“通风幻阵”副本关卡携“相柳”、“卧龙”、 “戮仙”、“秋水”、“无为”五大全新套装震撼来袭,玩家战力即将全面提升。作为魔王窟资料片的又一全新升级,“通风幻阵”副本也在今日火爆开启。完成3人以上组队,全队等级均达到 3 转 130 以上,并且通关任意难度移山大殿的试炼,方可昂首进入“通风幻阵”,开启全新挑战。发动团队的智慧,转动尘封的太虚镜,让镜中发射出的光线将...

Today, the vivo named "a Chinese Odyssey" mobile game "big youth academy" official classes! "The principal" arrival "appearance level mentor" Chen Yifa, hand in hand "talent mentor" yandi high-profile, "shen hui hall", "juxian pavilion" two camps, appearance level and talented smackdown hot start officially. Copy at the same time, voldemort wat play today welcomed a new upgrade, copy levels of "ventilation phantom array", "liu", "wolong", "slaughter", "autumn", "inaction" shock struck five new suit, the player power is about to improve. As the Lord wat expansion and a new upgrade, "ventilation phantom matrix" copy also in today's popular open. Complete the above 3 people team, the team level more than 3 turns 130, and customs clearance any difficulty to move mountains the trial of the hall, be swept into the ventilation phantom "array", open a new challenge. A team of wisdom, and turned the dusty too mirror, let the mirror will emit light...

标签: 手游 大话西游