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末日降临!《星际争霸II》合作任务地图 “亡者之夜”上线

The end! "Starcraft II" cooperative task map "the night of the dead

2017-03-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《星际争霸II》的合作任务模式自从推出以来就备受好评。如今喜欢合作任务的玩家们将迎来全新的挑战:“亡者之夜”,准备好面对亡者大军的威胁!此外在3.11版本中还包含三大礼包:合作任务指挥官、独具特色的播报员以及自定义单位皮肤。 末日降临!全新合作任务地图“亡者之夜”上线 在3.11版本中,《星际争霸II》将迎来全新的合作任务“亡者之夜”,这个任务的灵感来自于游戏大厅中备受好评的地图——求生无路。在“亡者之夜”中,你会在这里遭到感染者源源不断的攻击。你需要和队友共同合作抵御感染者持续不断的进攻,因此防守好咽喉要道是成功的关键。感染者会在黎明之前不断发动攻击,在白天的时候才会停止。因此在白...

"Starcraft II" cooperative task model was acclaimed since launch. Now like cooperation task players will usher in a new challenge: "the night of the dead", ready to face the threat of army of the dead! In addition also contains three package in version 3.11: cooperative mission commander, broadcasters and unique custom unit of the skin. The end! New cooperative task map "the night of the dead line in version 3.11," starcraft II "will usher in a new cooperative task" the night of the dead, the task was inspired by the acclaimed map in the game hall - there is no way to live. In "the night of the dead, will you be here was attacked by infected continuously. You need to work together and the team against infection continuing offense, so good defensive choke points is the key to success. Infected people will continuously attacks before dawn, at the time of the day will stop. Therefore in white...

标签: 星际争霸