新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂旗下《超级马里奥跑酷》Android版发布时间确认


Nintendo's "super Mario Parkour" Android release confirmation time

2017-01-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

1月19日消息,任天堂旗下手游《超级马里奥跑酷》首次亮相在苹果2016新品发布会上,一经发布受到了很多关注,游戏率先登陆iOS平台后,让任天堂赚了个钵满盆盈,虽然《超级马里奥跑酷》的消费模式让人诰病,不过很多Android用户对其保有兴趣。 今天,任天堂在官方Twitter上发布消息称,旗下手游《超级马里奥跑酷》将于今年3月登陆Android平台。任天堂表示,公司正在注册Google Play应用商店,等到游戏上线会及时通知玩家。Andorid版即便开放也不会在带来更多的收益,毕竟在谷歌开放平台下想要破解一款游戏还是相当容易的。 不过,iOS和Android双平台全面开放后,势必对任天堂的影响力有一定的提升。(菩提)

January 19th news, Nintendo's Mobile Games "super Mario Parkour" debuted at the 2016 apple new conference, was released by a lot of attention, the first landing iOS platform game, let Nintendo earned a bowl full of pots surplus, although the "super Mario Parkour" consumption patterns to Gao disease, but many users of Android the ownership interest. Today, Nintendo announced on official Twitter that its hand tour "super Mario Parkour" will be landing in March this year, Android platform. Nintendo said the company is registering the Google Play app store and will notify the player in time when the game is on the line. Even the opening of the Andorid version will not bring more revenue, after all, in Google open platform, want to crack a game is still quite easy. However, iOS and Android double platform fully open, it is bound to have a certain influence on Nintendo's ascension. (Bodhi)

标签: 任天堂 Android