新关注 > 信息聚合 > 若风大胆预测LPL第一周比赛,错了就送苹果7!


If the wind boldly predicted, LPL first week of competition, the wrong Apple 7 sent!

2017-01-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

距离粉丝们翘首以盼的LPL春季赛开幕只剩下不到3天的时间,各大战队也纷纷进入了最后的备战状态。但比赛还未开打,已经有人预测出了所有场次的胜负结果,还放出豪言“猜错了就送苹果7!”那么这个人是谁呢? 他就是前WE队长,LOL知名主播若风了。近日若风自诩为“鼻半仙”,大胆预测了一波新赛季第一周的比赛结果,并承诺:“如果预测成功率低于百分之九十,就送出一部苹果7!”虽然不知道鼻子哪里来的蜜汁自信, 但他已经在伐木累上贴出了预测结果。 帖子原文: 我听说有很多人加入了教练@JoKer的迷信组织无法自拔?不知道为什么研究完LPL第一轮对阵后,我的小宇宙蠢蠢欲动,今天我——“鼻半仙”就在伐...

Fans are eagerly looking forward to the opening of the LPL spring games, only less than 3 days time, the major teams have also entered the final preparations. But the game has not started, people have already predicted the outcome of all matches, has released rhetoric "wrong send Apple 7!" so who is this man? He is a former captain WE LOL, a well-known anchor if the wind. If the wind recently claimed as "nasal demigod, bold prediction of the first week of a new season, and promised:" if the prediction success rate of less than ninety percent, it sends an apple 7! "I don't know where the nose of honey and self-confidence, but he was tired in the logging posted on the prediction results. Original post: I heard a lot of people to join the coach @JoKer cult unable to extricate themselves? I don't know why I study LPL first round, my little universe ready to, today I -- "nose demigod in cutting...

标签: 苹果