新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盘点:2016电商营销值得关注的五大看点


Inventory: 2016 electricity marketing notable five big attraction

2016-12-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

毫无疑问,今年是中国电商市场孕育发展与变革的一年。一方面,电商、广告行业相关的鼓励政策持续释放,网购用户数量与行为成熟度不断提升,网络零售交易规模大幅增长,中国电商营销市场迎来了前所未有的发展机遇。另一方面,广告主营销需求日渐多元、消费者决策路径变长、电商营销服务商数量激增等因素也成为电商营销避无可避的严峻挑战。 站在机遇与挑战并存的风口,共同盘点和回顾一下即将过去的2016年,电商与电商营销产业有哪些值得关注的看点呢? 看点一:打通产业全链,电商迎来“数字营销3.0时代” 互联网席卷各大行业的“矩阵革命”渐渐步入深水区,数字营销领域也在互联网“染指”下随着商业模式的进化经历了三个不同...

There is no doubt that this year is the Chinese electric dealer market development and change of a year. On the one hand, electric business, the advertising industry related encouragement policy continues to release, the number of online shoppers and behavior of maturity, the network retail trade scale growth, China's electricity marketing market ushered in the unprecedented development opportunity. Advertisers, on the other hand, marketing demand increasingly diverse, consumer decision-making path variable length, factors such as electricity marketing services have proliferated in electricity marketing from the inevitable challenge. Standing in both opportunities and challenges of tuyere, common stock and review the past 2016 years, electricity and electricity marketing industry is worth to pay close attention to what aspect? Through all industry chain, a point is electricity for 3.0 "digital marketing" Internet across each big industry "the matrix" gradually into the deep water area, and digital marketing in the Internet under the "touch" as the business model evolution experienced three different...

标签: 电商