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With "star trek" dry up! The heroes of CPL final bums and the universe

2016-11-25 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《英魂之刃》第五届CPL职业联赛将于本周末(11月26日至11月27日)于网龙公司海西动漫城企业号大楼展开最终冠军争夺。在经历了16强分组赛的巅峰对决后,第五届CPL8强战队名单也已出炉,作为2016年的压轴大赛,本届CPL职业联赛无论战队实力还是火爆程度都有不小提升,也让周末的比赛更具看点! 第五届CPL职业联赛 百万奖金蓄势待发 经过上个赛季的一轮血战,CPL涌现出不少逆天黑马。其中要数冠军队伍STK最为抢眼,就在刚结束的第四届CPL职业联赛中,“骚”套路王者STK顶住了强队GT让二追三的强大压力,用犀利的攻势和3比2的战绩,力克老牌冠军,用王者气息证明了骚套路也可以称霸全场。如...

"Heroes of" the fifth CPL professional league will be the end of this week (November 27 November 26 solstice) in hercynian cartoon city enterprise building net dragon company launched the final championship. After 16 of the competition after match-ups, the fifth CPL8 strong team list have been released, as the finale of the 2016 series, the CPL professional league team strength and popularity have promoted, also let more watch at the weekend! The fifth CPL professional league millions of bonus After last season's a bloody battle, CPL emerged many go dark horse. Among them, the champion team grab an eye most STK, on just the end of the fourth session of CPL in the professional league, "SAO" routines of STK resisted strong GT let two after three strong pressure, with sharp offensive and 3 to 2, rick veteran champion, SAO was confirmed by king breath routines can also seek hegemony. Such as...

标签: 星际迷航