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暴雪V社腾讯爸爸齐聚 虎牙直播本周赛事推荐

Blizzard V club gathered in tencent's dad Canine teeth live events recommended this week

2016-11-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

  上周双王争霸最后虎王当道,不知道各位观众老爷看的爽不爽,礼物拿的舒不舒服?落下帷幕的KeSPA杯完美弥补了观众在S6赛事中最遗憾的一刻,ROX总算圆满了一把血虐SKT称王称霸。   在这周的比赛中激荡起你电竞之魂的DPL也将继续燃烧,更有美女如云的EWG等你呐喊助威,不要犹豫!下面小编为你详细介绍虎牙直播这一周最佳比赛推荐。   DPL虎牙直播地址:huya.com/dpldota   万众期待的中国DOTA2职业联赛本周依然会为你呈上精彩的精彩对决,连续三天的赛事直播让你的周末不再无聊。作为最早一匹引起国内电竞之魂的游戏,Dota绝对是经典中的经典,锁定虎牙直播,为您带来...

Double king ii finally king tiger in power last week, don't know everyone audience hubby shuang, gifts with shu uncomfortable? Ended KeSPA cup perfect make up for the audience in S6 events most regrettable moment, ROX managed to complete a handful of blood abuse SKT hegemony. Stirs you in this week's game e-sports soul of DPL will continue to burn, the more beauty like a cloud of the EWG waiting for you to cheer, don't hesitate! Below small make up for your detailed introduction canine teeth live recommend best game this week. DPL canine teeth broadcast address: huya.com/dpldota much-anticipated DOTA2 Chinese professional league this week will still be presented wonderful wonderful for you, for three consecutive days of live events let you no longer boring weekend. As the first one cause domestic spirit of e-sports games, Dota is the classic of classics, lock live tiger tooth, to bring you...