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《耻辱2》IGN评分9.3分 惊艳续作玩法自由

"Shame" 2 IGN score of 9.3 stunning sequel free play

2016-11-20 13:04:40来源: 新浪

年度潜入大作《耻辱2》在上周正式发售,多样的选择和丰富的要素受到玩家的一致好评。现在IGN给出了这款游戏的最终评分:9.3分。游戏从各方面讲都是一部出色的续作,游戏中想怎么玩就怎么玩。 总评: ...

The annual dive into the "shame 2" was officially released last week, with a wide range of choices and elements of the game. IGN now gives the final score of the game: 9.3 points. From the aspect of game is a good game in the sequel, like how to play on how to play. General:...