新关注 > 信息聚合 > 草莓熊猫首秀百万观众力挺 老WE五黑致敬青春

草莓熊猫首秀百万观众力挺 老WE五黑致敬青春

Strawberry panda debut millions who backed the old WE salute the five black youth

2016-11-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

  11月22日下午3点,前WE上单,“路人王”草莓开启熊猫直播首秀。平台旗下若风、Sky等明星主播豪送佛跳墙为草莓助阵。而在直播结束后,草莓在微博也送出两台iPhone7和100个百元红包,回馈百万粉丝。   下午两点,草莓尚未现身,就有超过10万观众焦急地在直播间等待,弹幕刷得飞起。3点草莓现身,弹幕瞬间爆炸,大批草莓、若风的粉丝空降直播间,观众数字直线上升,在晚上7点的黄金时段更是超过百万人观看,虽然老we的多数队员已经退役,但超强人气从未降低。   在经过两局磨合后,第三局老WE抓住机会,一波下路团战决定胜局。在推掉对手主基地后草莓大喊:“恭喜we!”,一句话引得水友弹幕...

On November 22 at 3 PM, before WE on the list, king "passers-by" strawberry open pandas live debut. Platform, if the wind, the Sky stars such as the host had send Buddha jumps over the wall for strawberries. And at the end of the broadcast, strawberry in weibo also sent two iPhone7 and 100 100 yuan red envelopes, giving back to the millions of fans. At two o 'clock in the afternoon, the strawberry has not yet appeared, more than 100000 viewers in studio waiting anxiously, barrage brush have to fly up. 3 points strawberry appearance, barrage instantaneous explosion, a large number of strawberry, if the wind fan of airborne studio and audience Numbers soared, at 7 o 'clock in the evening prime time is more than one million people watched, although most of the players have already retired, old we but strong sentiment never reduced. After two innings after running-in, the third old WE seize the opportunity, a wave of melee decided victory under the road. After push off the main base of strawberry yell: "congratulations on we!" Friends, drew water barrage...