新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为提供更好游戏体验 育碧《星际迷航》VR新游跳票..

为提供更好游戏体验 育碧《星际迷航》VR新游跳票..

To provide a better gaming experience Ubisoft. "star trek" VR XinYou jump ticket.

2016-10-23 20:26:36来源: 任玩堂

原定今年秋季发售的育碧 VR 新作 Star Trek:Bridge Crew《星际迷航:舰桥船员》日前正式确定将会延期至明年 3 月 14 日推出。 《星际迷航:舰桥船员》是由参与《幽灵行动》、《全境封锁》等游戏的 Ubisoft Red Storm 所研发的《星际迷航》系列改编 V...

Was scheduled for this autumn sale ubisoft VR new Star Trek: the Bridge Crew "Star Trek: the Bridge Crew has formally decided on March 14, will be postponed to next year. Star trek: the bridge crew is by participating in the phantom action ", "across the blockade" and so on game developed by Ubisoft Red Storm of star trek series based on V...