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Ubisoft VR new "star trek: the bridge crew until next march

2016-10-22 08:36:08来源: 17173

对于《星际迷航》的粉丝们来说,想要在虚拟现实(VR)中登上企业号,去深邃的宇宙中去探索,享受冒险的乐趣,还需要再多等待4个月。换句话来说就是,育碧的VR新作《星际迷航:舰桥船员》游戏跳票了。(文:17173VR_魔性小饼干) VR游戏下载、新游推荐、福利,尽在17173VR! 《星...

For "star trek" fans, want in the virtual reality (VR) on enterprise, to go deep to explore in the universe, to enjoy the fun of adventure, you also need to wait for four more months. In other words, is that the VR ubisoft carved "star trek: the bridge crew" jump game tickets. (wen: 17173 vr_ ones cookies) VR game downloads, XinYou recommended, welfare, in 17173 VR! The star...

标签: VR 星际迷航