新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国外电商平台现预购Rift送《EVE:瓦尔基里》


Foreign electric business platform is pre Rift to send "EVE: Valkyrie"

2016-09-21 09:35:55来源: 17173

近日,Oculus与CCP Games合作,所有预订Oculus Rift的顾客都将免费获得《EVE:瓦尔基里(EVE:Valkyrie)》。现在又有新活动,百思买顾客也将免费获得该游戏。(文:17173虹脸) 即日起至年底,只要在电商平台百思买网站上购入VR头显Oculus Rift...

Recently, the Oculus cooperate with CCP Games, all reservation Oculus Rift customers will get free "EVE: Valkyrie (EVE: Valkyrie). Now there are new activities, best buy customers will get the game for free. (17173 rainbow face:) from now on to the end of the year, as long as the website in electric business platform for best buy to buy VR head show Oculus Rift...

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