新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电竞梦不灭!Gogoing组建GD战队重返赛场


E-sports dream don't die! Gogoing form a GD team back

2016-08-13 07:32:27来源: 178游戏网

从去年9月和灵药一同退役以后,大哥Gogoing给我们最多的印象就是和小苍的绯闻恋情了。但是最近,大哥的一条微博引起了很多人的关注,在微博中大哥提到自己和老朋友一起搞了一个战队,将以另一种方式去继续自己未完成的梦想。 微博原文:【GD战队上单、ADC选手招聘】 近期和以前的老伙计@善...

Retired from September and muti, eldest brother Gogoing impressed us most is the gossip and small pale with their romance. But recently, eldest brother a tweet attracted the attention of many people, eldest brother mentioned in weibo built a team together with old friends, will be another way to continue his unfinished dream. Weibo, ADC player recruitment 】 【 GD team on a single, recent and previous old @ is good...

标签: 电竞