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NCsoft透露天堂永恒11月首测 不排除海外先上市

NCsoft November was first revealed that eternal heaven does not exclude the overseas listed first

2016-08-13 08:46:49来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 8月12日消息,NCsoft日前公布了2016年第二季度财报,并在电话会议中说明了今年下半年的产品计划,透露旗下网游新作《天堂永恒》预定于11月在韩国展开首度测试。 NCsoft在电话会议中指出,他们正在筹备《天堂永恒》今年下半年的首度封测,他们认为在顾及行销等多方面因素...

Sina game - August 12 news, NCsoft has announced second-quarter earnings in 2016, and in a conference call illustrates the products plan of the second half of this year, according to its online book "the eternal paradise", scheduled for November in South Korea for the first time test. NCsoft said in a conference call, they are in the process of "the eternal paradise" in the second half of this year's seal test, for the first time they think the factors in many aspects of marketing...