新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩家社区直击打,吕颂贤,邵传勇体验CoolVR引围观


Player community seem to have hit, lawyer Anthony, timothy zao experience CoolVR onlookers

2016-08-12 23:17:51来源: 4399

8月8日,著名香港影巨星,97版电视剧《笑傲江湖》令狐冲的扮演者吕颂贤、寻秦记乌廷威扮演者邵传勇夫妇一行空降CoolVR。参观体验了CoolVR自主研发的虚拟现实设备、联网竞技平台以及虚拟现实内容研发基地。 他就是当年叱咤风云,侠胆柔情的令狐冲,男神不老,吕颂贤精神矍铄,身形略显消瘦仍...

August 8, the famous movie star in Hong Kong, 97 version of the TV series "smile the ao river's lake" star Jackie lui, linghu chong qin ji wu found a line of airborne CoolVR katyn wei actor timothy zao couple. Visiting experience CoolVR atletico, networking platform independent research and development of virtual reality hardware devices and virtual reality development base. He was all-powerful, XiaDan tenderness make fox blunt, male god not old, lawyer Anthony sprightly, size is shown slightly angular still...

标签: 玩家 VR