新关注 > 信息聚合 > 洛克王国积分有什么用? 在哪用?

洛克王国积分有什么用? 在哪用?

What's the use of integral Locke kingdom? Where to use?

2016-08-12 23:17:51来源: 4399

洛克王国积分有什么用? 洛克王国积分在哪用? 参加运动会的各个小游戏都可以获得积分,这些积分有几种用途哦,木子来跟大家详说一下。 可以得积分的小游戏:洛克王国热血运动会活动汇总 1、在飞空运动城里面找到自己的战队,木子当时选的是红水晶对,还有黄蓝绿水晶队。 PS:只能打开自己的...

What's the use of integral Locke kingdom? Locke kingdom with integral in? Participate in the games can be every little game of integration, these have several USES integral, teil to with you in detail. Could get points a game: Locke kingdom blood sports activity summary 1, fly in the air motion inside the city to find their own team, teil was selected for red crystal, and yellow blue and green crystal. PS: can open their own...