新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游手游蹲妖王击杀技巧攻略


Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Games squat Lich King kill skills Raiders

2016-07-05 16:04:01来源: TechWeb

妖王虽然不在每日的日常人物和限时活动中出现,但是奖励极高,不单有不菲的经验和金币奖励还有大家喜闻乐见的五宝奖励。虽然每日能够击杀的妖王有数量上限,但大家未必每天都能刷满吧?今天教教大家如何击杀满每日的妖王。 1、妖王的出现 妖王的出现是靠玩家在挖取高级藏宝图时有一定的几率放出,具体地...

The Lich King although does not appear in the daily figures and limited activity, but the rewards are high, not only the valuable experience and gold awards and everyone loved the Wubao reward. Although the daily to kill the demon king has a number of caps, but we may not be able to brush every day full of it? Today to teach you how to kill the daily demon king. 1, the Lich King appeared the Lich King is released by chance in the game player to dig senior treasure map, specifically...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游