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《索尼克爆破 火与冰》游戏开场部分屏摄影像

"Sonic blasting fire and ice" in the opening game as part of the screen photography

2016-07-05 12:11:26来源: 电玩巴士

日前外站再度放出了3DS新作《索尼克:爆破 火与冰》的屏摄游戏影像,这段长度近5分钟的演示影像主要为大家展示了开场部分的剧情以及关卡流程,下面就请玩家们来看一看。 《索尼克:爆破 火与冰》是《索尼克》系列的最新作,同时也是《索尼克:爆破》的第三弹作品。本作将登陆3DS平台,游戏的美版...

3 ds has stood outside again released new "sonic: fire and ice blasting" screen images taken games, this length nearly five minutes of demo video to show you the opening the main part of the plot and the process, please have a look at players here. Sonic: fire and ice blasting is the latest "sonic" series, is also the third of the sonic: blasting work. This would land and a 3 ds platform game on the...