新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黎明杀机单人逃生通道地窖使用方法技巧分享


Some single channel usage tips to share the cellar escape

2016-06-21 15:30:44来源: TechWeb

《黎明杀机》幸存者被杀剩一个人时,会触发逃生地道也就是地窖,小编带来相关技巧,一起看一下吧。 游戏开始时,幸存者和杀手都看不到脱身通道的位置。 *但是你只要站的足够近,你就可以听到类似风吹过隧道的声音。 *要修理好至少两个电机,玩家才能看见通道 *只剩一人存活时逃生通道才会打开 ...

"Some" survivors were killed one person, will trigger the escape tunnel is the cellar, Xiaobian bring relevant skills, with a look at it. At the beginning of the game, both the survivors and the killers could not see the position of the escape passage. * but as long as you stand close enough, you can hear the sound like the wind blowing through the tunnel. * to repair at least two motors, the player can see the channel * only one person survives the escape channel to open...