新关注 > 信息聚合 > 腾讯也出游戏主机!"TGP游戏主机"众筹金额破百万


Tencent is out of the game console!" The TGP game console "the raise value of one million

2016-06-21 14:22:20来源: 新浪

腾讯、海尔、英特尔等巨头在5月的CESA2016上联合推出了一款名为刀锋TGP BOX的游戏主机,造型如它的名字一样棱角分明,看起来科技感十足,近日这款刀锋TGP BOX主机登陆了京东众筹,硬件配置也已公开。 “刀锋&腾讯TGP游戏主机”的京东众筹页面已经开启了几天,将于7月25日截...

Tencent, haier, Intel and other giant CESA2016 on May jointly launched a called blade TGP BOX games consoles, like its name angular shape, looks technology feels dye-in-the-wood, recently the blade TGP BOX landed jingdong hosts the raise, the hardware configuration also has publicly. "Blade & tencent TGP game console" jingdong the raise page has opened up a few days, will be on July 25 RiJie...

标签: 游戏 腾讯 众筹