新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百炼必定成钢《无限世界》装备系统详解


The devil must produce infinite world equipment system break down

2016-06-21 14:06:49来源: 天极网

俗话说佛靠金装人靠衣装,初入《无限世界》,想要体验秒杀BOSS和在战场上英勇无敌的快感,除了自身实力之外,最重要的就是要打造一套极品装备。《无限世界》装备系统为每位玩家打造专属装备,助力玩家所向披靡战无不胜! 在《无限世界》的世界观中,装备强化采用了宝石镶嵌、武器重铸和武器开锋等方式...

As the saying goes, Buddha by gold the clothes make the man, and entered the infinite world, want to experience the seconds kill BOSS and heroic invincible on the battlefield of pleasant sensation, in addition to its strength, the most important thing is to build a set of special equipment. The infinite world equipment system for each player to build exclusive equipment, power player invincible invincible! In the infinite world view of the world, strengthening the gem stones inlaid, weapons recasting and open front and other way...