新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《星际迷航OL》创始人跳槽到《H1Z1》开发商


The star trek OL to founder H1Z1 developers

2016-06-10 23:06:58来源: 178游戏网

《星际迷航OL》开发商Cryptic工作室联合创始人Jack Emmert宣布离开Cryptic,即将加入Daybreak公司(《H1Z1》开发商),准备担任奥斯丁工作室总经理。Daybreak奥斯丁工作室目前负责超级英雄网游《DC宇宙OL》,而此前Emmert也负责过《英雄之城》、《冠...

The star trek OL developers Cryptic studios co-founder Jack announced Emmert leave Cryptic, will soon join Daybreak company (H1Z1 developers), prepared as a general manager Austin studio. Daybreak Austin studio is responsible for the super hero online game "DC universe OL", after Emmert is also responsible for a "city of heroes", "the crown...

标签: 星际迷航