新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从妙脆角到吉普车,魔兽把吃穿住用行都承包了…


From the bugles to the jeep, and live with rows of warcraft contract...

2016-05-31 19:28:56来源: 178游戏网

随着6月8日《魔兽》电影档期日渐临近,《魔兽世界》和麦当劳再次展开了跨界合作。麦当劳首次以游戏名字命名套餐,推出了军团再临套餐和魔兽世界套餐。 说起魔兽的跨界合作,这已经不是一次两次了。早在2014年,魔兽出6.0德拉诺之王的时候,就曾和麦当劳合作,还推出了魔兽主题餐厅。 为了德拉诺...

As June 8 of warcraft movie season draws near, world of warcraft and McDonald's launched cross-border cooperation again. McDonald's named after the game package, for the first time introduced the bianconeri return combo and world of warcraft. Speaking of warcraft cross-border cooperation, this is not a two times. As early as 2014, warcraft 6.0 the king of draenor, once and McDonald's cooperation, also launched a warcraft themed restaurant. In order to draenor...