新关注 > 信息聚合 > 知乎网友:请珍惜和你打游戏的妹子


Zhihu netizen: please cherish the sister of playing games with you

2016-05-23 15:49:02来源: 游久网

近日,有一位妹子在知乎上提问,“和男朋友打游戏,我表现不好男朋友就骂我,怎么办?”短短时间得到了网友的大量回复。一起来看看。 匿名用户: 我20岁的时候,DOTA很厉害。 SF SOLO能虐500人群里几乎所有人。 CDEC,VS一房,黑一常年呆, YY上什么KES,PTE,A...

Recently, had a sister on zhihu questions, "playing games with her boyfriend, I just scold me bad boyfriend, how to do?" A short span of time to get the net friend of reply. Take a look at. Anonymous user: when I was 20 years old, DOTA is very severe. SF, SOLO can abuse by 500 almost all people in the crowd. CDEC, VS A room, black YiChang year stay, YY on what KES, PTE, A...

标签: 游戏 知乎