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国务院APP变成手游 刷错榜还是躺枪?

The APP into mobile game of the state council Brush the wrong list or innocent?

2016-05-06 21:22:09来源: 07073游戏网

近日,在IOS平台上的国务院APP的评论区里,赫然出现一条离奇评论: 从评论内容来看,这似乎是对两款手游的评价,与国务院APP完全风马牛不相及。 为何在国务院APP下面会出现这样的评论?多人猜测这或许是因刷榜公司在进行刷榜时误操作所致。问题是这两款手游名字一为《十万个大魔王》,一...

Recently, the state council on IOS APP comments section, hit a bizarre comments: from the point of comment, it seems to be on the value of two mobile game and APP goes completely and the state council. Why can appear under the state council APP such comments? People guess this may be due to companies in the list of brush brush list caused by wrong operation. Problem is both a mobile game name for the thousands of big devil king, a...

标签: APP 手游