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梦幻西游手游地府变身卡推荐 地府带什么变身卡

Fantasy westward journey mobile game hell turns into a card recommend what hell take turns into a card

2016-05-06 18:36:59来源: TechWeb

梦幻西游手游推出了变身卡系统,那么地府选择什么变身卡比较好呢,都有哪些适合呢,那么下面来看看梦幻西游手游地府门派变身卡选择推荐! 地府:作为一个最牛叉的辅助,大家一致认为地府的治疗能力比号称治疗门派的普陀要强!说实话,地府的实用技能真心多,什么6道,鬼眼,毒。都挺好使。 那么这次变身...

Fantasy westward journey mobile game card system introduced, which then hell choose what turns into a card is good, what are the fit, so take a look at fantasy westward journey of mobile game hell factions turning card choice recommended! Hell: as one of the most fantastic auxiliary, everyone agrees that the healing power of the hell than the putuo so-called treatment branches! To tell the truth, more practical skills really hell, what 6, ghost, poison. Are both good. So the change...

标签: 梦幻西游 手游