新关注 > 信息聚合 > 干了通宵 这破游戏真心有毒《以撒的结合:胎衣》

干了通宵 这破游戏真心有毒《以撒的结合:胎衣》

This game is really dry overnight with toxic Isaac: "afterbirth"

2016-05-06 18:01:09来源: 新浪

五一假期的某个清晨,看着屏幕上弹出的“1001%”,我长出一口气,轻轻合上笔记本。 因为保持同一个坐姿太久,抬起头时,脖子和肩膀涌出一股酸痛。扫视四周,小猫蜷缩在沙发上睡得正香;落地窗外,城市已经在黎明的蒙蒙亮中渐渐苏醒过来。 “妈的,又干了一个通宵,这破游戏真心有毒。。。。。。...

One morning of the May Day holiday, looking at the "1001%" that pops up on the screen, I breathed a sigh of relief and closed my notebook. Because of keeping the same sitting position for too long, raising head, the neck and shoulders gushed out a pain. Glancing around, the kitten curled up on the sofa asleep; outside the window, at the dawn of the dawn in the city have gradually recovered. "Fuck, do the whole night again, this game is really poisonous."...... ...

标签: 游戏