新关注 > 信息聚合 > 虽然已进入流量时代 便宜通话依然是刚需

虽然已进入流量时代 便宜通话依然是刚需

Although it has entered the era of traffic, cheap calls are still just needed

2016-05-05 08:48:38来源: 大河网

(原标题:流量时代,便宜通话依然是刚需) “五一”长假期间,蜗牛移动推出特惠活动,只需登录蜗牛移动官网或天猫商店官方旗舰店购买60免卡,就能获赠一年720分钟通话时间,短短时间就销量破万。 60免卡全国语音统一资费0 .099元/分钟,接听免费,没有套餐,主打通话功能,其大卖也印...

(original title: the flow of the times, cheap talk is still just need) "51" holiday period, snail Mobile launched special offers, just login snails move website or Tmall store official flagship store to buy 60 free card, you can receive a 720 minutes of talk time, a short time sales break million. 60 free card voice national uniform tariff 0.099 yuan / minute, free calls, no package, the main call function, it also sells india...

标签: 流量