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浅析白云洞最近的激情 两兄弟门派厮杀

An analysis of recent baekundong passion two brothers martial fight

2016-03-04 03:54:56来源: 多玩游戏

白云洞7706联盟目前正处于激战之中,但并不是和敌对激战,而是两个兄弟门派厮杀,天朝and至尊其中原因众说分明,恐怕只有当事人最了解了。 每个门派都有那几个搅屎棍,但愿不要让一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅汤啊 ...

Baekundong 7706 alliance is currently in battle, but is not hostile guild wars, but the two brothers martial fight, celestial and supreme the congregation is clear, I'm afraid only the parties know best. Each martial art has the stirring stick, I hope not to let a bad mouse droppings a pot of soup ah...