新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手游流量消耗激增 定向流量减免或成吸引玩家新方式

手游流量消耗激增 定向流量减免或成吸引玩家新方式

Mobile game flow consumption boom directional flow breaks or into a new way to attract players

2016-03-30 11:24:43来源: 新浪

在如今这个流量费用降不下来,流量包却越订越大的时代,谁手中的流量更充足,就意味着谁更能与世界相连。对于普通的消费者来说,“如何让仅有的流量变得更有价值”一直是他们想要解决的难题。 然而,继视频、音乐之后,手游的流量需求已成为第三大主力内容消耗。有数据显示,2015年中每月用户的平均流...

In today's traffic fees fall not come down, traffic package is the order of era, the greater the who is in the hands of flow is more plentiful, who means more connected with the world. For ordinary consumers, the "how to make the only flow become more valuable" has always been, they want to solve the problem. However, after video, music, mobile game of traffic demand has become the third largest main content consumption. Statistics show, 2015 users a month average flow...

标签: 手游 玩家 流量