新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【很快】谢晓武:快玩平台用优质流量促进生态发展


[soon] Xie Xiaowu: quick play platform with high quality traffic to promote ecological development

2016-03-21 18:06:24来源: IB资讯

2016TFC于3月17-18日在北京国际中心举行,专注公众号力量、专注移动互联网社交平台的第三方服务提供商【很快】登陆TFC并于3月17日13点30分举行了“【很快】开启微站新纪元”专场,TFC召开期间【很快】快玩平台负责人谢晓武接受了记者的采访。 谢晓武在采访中表示【很快】在很久...

TFC in the March 17-18, 2016 held in Beijing international center, focus on the public power, focus on mobile Internet social platform of the third party service providers [soon] landing TFC 30 points and 13 points on March 17, held a special "[soon] open micro station new era", TFC [soon] during a quick play platform head Xie Xiaowu accepted reporter's interview. Xie Xiaowu said in an interview [soon] in a long time...

标签: 流量