新关注 > 信息聚合 > 外媒长文:细数中国DOTA滑铁卢的几宗罪


Foreign media long: count China DOTA Waterloo several deadly SINS

2016-03-18 13:35:06来源: 游久网

[导读]从战术的角度上纵观本次特锦赛中国队的惨败,很明显中国队的英雄池实在太浅,对当前版本的理解也不够。结果就是中国队伍遇到Puppey的时候要多用一个Ban人名额去针对他的谜团和陈,或者类似的去BAN Jerax的土猫。TI5决赛的时候,CDEC遇到的问题也是一样,CDEC被迫去BAN...

[reading] from a tactical point of view throughout the kam "China fiasco, obviously the Chinese hero pool is too shallow, the understanding of the current version is not enough. As a result, the Chinese team met Puppey when to use a quota to Ban people for his mystery and Chen, or something similar to Ban Jerax soil cat. TI5 final, CDEC, too, the problem of CDEC forced to BAN...

标签: DOTA