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Nintendo NX host handles physical first exposure

2016-03-18 13:10:44来源: 环球网

近来不断有消息称任天堂将于今年内发布自家代号NX的新一代家用主机。现在,国外媒体率先曝光了这台神秘游戏机的手柄实物,无论是造型还是功能,都相当的梦幻。 DualPixels网站表示,任天堂NX主机的手柄非常颠覆,椭圆的外形持握感非常棒,另外手柄上除了传统方向按键和摇杆之外,还包括摄像...

Recently there have been news that nintendo will be released this year their code NX of a new generation of consoles. Now, foreign media first exposes the mysterious game handle material, modelling or function, are pretty dream. DualPixels website said, nintendo NX host handle very upset, the shape of ellipse hold feeling is very good, also handle in addition to traditional direction keys and rocker, also includes the camera...

标签: 任天堂