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梦醒时分CDEC人员调整 小智加盟CDEC.Y

When I CDEC personnel adjustment little wisdom to join CDEC. Y

2016-03-18 12:51:02来源: 电玩巴士

北京时间3月18日,前CDEC三号位选手小智发表微博透露自己已经离队的消息。 小智微博: 西雅图的一切还历历在目,而我们各自却不得不面对新的旅程,祝安好。 CDEC组建2年多,去年以黑马姿态一飞冲天拿到了TI5亚军让世人惊艳,青年军的一鸣惊人打破了国内偏爱老人抱团扎堆的惯性思...

CDEC before Beijing time on March 18, no. 3 contestants little wisdom published weibo has revealed he had leave message. All little wisdom weibo: Seattle, but we each have to face the new journey, wish is ok. CDEC to form more than two years, last year with dark horse stance has gone through the roof got TI5 runner-up, to the world youth blockbuster broke the domestic partial old man means cluster inertia thinking...