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薛之谦胡夏助阵 携手周董迎战幸运召唤师

Memory Hu Xia Hand in hand against lucky jay summoners

2016-03-18 12:09:08来源: 电玩巴士

《英雄联盟》明星召唤师直播第三弹即将于3月24日正式上演,直播当天,薛之谦与胡夏两位明星召唤师将前来助阵,携手周董为广大玩家上演一场精彩纷呈的对决。直播当天,由周杰伦亲自作词作曲,为广大召唤师创作的《英雄联盟》中国品牌主题曲——《英雄》也将在QQ音乐正式独家首发。 目前,幸运玩家征集...

"Hero alliance" star summoners live the third play out on March 24th, live on the same day, memory and Hu Xia summoners will use two star, hand in hand to jay a wonderful showdown for the majority of players. Live on the same day, by jay composer himself, for the majority of summoner created "hero alliance" China brand theme song -- "hero" will officially exclusive starting in QQ music. At present, the lucky players collect...