新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《雏蜂之尖兵少女》今日上线 全渠道首发

《雏蜂之尖兵少女》今日上线 全渠道首发

The young pioneer "bee girl" today launched the whole channel first

2016-03-18 11:52:15来源: 任玩堂


Mutual entertainment produced by Gaia, the popularity of "young bee" country man licensed action Mobile Games "pioneer young bee girl" today (March 18th) the first channel. The long-awaited comic fans will be able to enter the game player and Mobile Games. The girls in the world, enjoy the fun of the super variety hitherto unknown. Open test at the same time in the "Young Pioneer bee girl", a series of super Madden activities will also be open, for the game player free delivery of high-level equipment, rare props...