新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4399生死狙击充值领水晶 变异战赢双持蓝魔

4399生死狙击充值领水晶 变异战赢双持蓝魔

4399 death sniper top-up led crystal mutation battle to win dual wield the blues

2016-03-04 17:33:49来源: 4399

4399生死狙击充值送水晶活动,超值升级,奖励更丰厚!充值金额达到1元(10金币),除了可领取蓝水晶x30,现在更可获得黄水晶x5,军火库神器等你赢取! 【活动名称】:充值免费领水晶2.0 【活动说明】:活动期间玩家充值达到1元(10金币),并且等级达到10级,即可在活动面板免费领...

4399 death sniper top-up send crystal activity, value upgrade, rewards more fat! Top-up amount reaches 1 yuan (10 COINS), in addition to get the blue crystal x30, now can get more yellow crystal x5, Arsenal artifact when you win! [name] : top-up led crystal [activity description 】 : 2.0 free activities during the player top-up reaches 1 yuan (10 COINS), grade and level 10, can free led the activity panel...