新关注 > 信息聚合 > 3VS3平衡竞技《太极熊猫2》开启战队联赛王者对决


3 vs3 proleague balance competitive tai chi panda 2 open of Kings

2016-03-04 16:10:32来源: 一游网

谭维维倾力代言,无限制全球动作手游《太极熊猫2》全新资料片即将开启,一大波新玩法马上就要来咯!此前曝光的强力双法英雄想必已经给玩家们留下了深刻的印象,而在新资料片中《太极熊猫2》又将开放全新的3VS3平衡战场,战队联赛实时竞技,跨服争锋王者对决! 拒绝碾压 平衡属性策略PK 《太...

Tan weiwei endorsements, unlimited global action mobile game "tai chi panda 2" the new expansion will open, a great new play is coming to cough up! After exposure of the powerful method of double hero is surely give players left a deep impression, and in the new expansion "tai chi panda 2" will open a new battlefield 3 vs3 balance, team league at real-time, cross-server opposites of Kings! Refused to rolling balance property strategy PK "too...