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《魔法圣剑》今日内测 开启全新无尽征途

"The magic sword" closed to open new endless journey today

2016-03-04 16:02:56来源: 4399

新年虽然已经离我们远去,但魔幻之路从未停止。对于《魔法圣剑》的广大粉丝玩家们来说,官方又有一个激动人心的消息公布。游戏删档计费内测于今日正式上线,在依然冷峻的三月给玩家带来阵阵暖意。下面就跟着小编来了解了解这款游戏吧! Ο【传奇职业,精致技能】 《魔法圣剑》什么都有,职业更是必不可少...

Although the New Year has gone from us, but the magical way has never stopped. For the "magic sword" for the broad masses of fans, players, officials and have an exciting news. Game delete file billing closed officially launched today, in the cold still in March to the players came the warmth. Just follow below small make up to get to know to understand the game! Ο legendary career, exquisite skill 】 【 "magic sword", is essential to...