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想说就说 《斗仙2》未来版本大YY

Want to say would "fight the fairy 2" future versions to say YY

2016-03-01 17:39:16来源: 游久网

看到许多仙友们在呼唤《斗仙2》新版本,也看到脑洞顶天了的仙友在论坛开启未来版本大YY了,小编做个勤劳的搬运工,无责任和大家分享下这位仙友的猜想。 《斗仙2》游戏截图 【酷炫狂拽的封神系统】 某仙友认为,《斗仙2》是以封神榜为背景的游戏,出个封神系统听起来霸气侧漏。玩家可以选择得道...

See the fairy friends call "fight the fairy 2 new version, see the sky and the imagination of the fairy friends also in future versions BBS open big YY, small make up to be a hard-working porters, irresponsibility and share the fairy friends guess. "Fight the fairy 2 screenshots cool crazy drag god system 】 【 a fairy friend thought," dou fairy 2 "is set in the granting titles to gods, sealing system sounds god domineering sliding sideways. Players can choose word...

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