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VR版炉石? Oculus公布VR卡牌游戏《魔龙战线》

VR version of BFS? Oculus VR card games released "the magic dragon front"

2016-02-29 20:20:09来源: 17173

昨日,Oculus在其官方Facebook正式公布了即将登陆Oculus Rift的第一款虚拟现实卡牌游戏《魔龙战线(Dragon Front)》。 Oculus宣称这款卡牌游戏由开发商High Voltage开发,也将在Oculus Rift上发行的卡牌游戏《魔龙战线》结合了传统的...

Yesterday, officially announced in its official Facebook Oculus is coming to the Oculus Rift first virtual reality card games the magic Dragon Front (Dragon Front). Oculus claimed that this kind of card games developed by developers, High Voltage, will also be in the Oculus Rift card game the issuance of the "front" dragon "is a combination of traditional...

标签: 游戏 VR Oculus