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Oculus专属卡牌游戏今春发布 这就是传说中的“更..

Oculus exclusive card games released this spring This is the legendary "more..

2016-02-29 13:10:21来源: 任玩堂

卡牌游戏是时下许多游戏厂商开发的热门类型之一,像《万智牌》、《游戏王》、《炉石传说》这一类的集换式卡牌更是大受玩家欢迎,慢慢也成了许多开发商的新研究对象。比如在去年 12 月波士顿大学举办的黑客马拉松大赛中,Olaolu Emmanuel 和 Shahan Akhter 就开发了一个项目...

Card games is one of the popular type nowadays many game industry development, like "magic the gathering", "game king", "hearth legend" this kind of set in type card are especially popular with the players, slowly also became the new research object of many developers. Such as hackers in Boston university last December in the marathon, Olaolu Emmanuel and Shahan Akhter developed a project...

标签: 游戏 Oculus