新关注 > 信息聚合 > Oculus或将推出VR版《游戏王》 准备好召唤青眼白..

Oculus或将推出VR版《游戏王》 准备好召唤青眼白..

Oculus or version will introduce VR "game king" ready to summon pro white..

2016-02-28 12:13:11来源: 任玩堂

喜欢日本动漫和游戏的玩家相信都看过或者听说过《游戏王》这部作品吧?这部作品以多样的游戏元素融合剧情,受到许多观众喜爱。而 KONAMI 也根据这部作品改编,研发出了一种规则严密、套路多变的集换式卡牌游戏,同样也在全球范围内收到玩家们的喜爱。 《游戏王》除了实体卡牌,也在 PC、掌机和手...

Like the Japanese anime and game players believe that have seen or heard of the "game king" this work? The work in a variety of game elements fusion plot, enjoyed by many of the viewers. And KONAMI also based on the work, developed a strict rules, routines and changeable set in type card game, also received players worldwide. The king of the game in addition to the physical card, also in the PC, handheld and hands...

标签: 游戏 VR Oculus