新关注 > 信息聚合 > 穿越火线枪战王者游戏中要不要开自动瞄准


Pass through the fire gun battle of Kings game do you want to open on automatically

2016-02-17 18:23:58来源: 4399

穿越火线枪战王者是CF端游移植到手机端的游戏,开发团队很贴心的在CF手机版中增加了自动瞄准功能,玩家们可以根据自己的需要进行开启,那么真正在战斗中用自动瞄准会不会更好,下面一起来看看在各种战斗模式中自动瞄准对敌人的伤害。 一、辅助的分类 在设置里你可以看见两种辅助。一种是辅助瞄准,一...

Through fire gun battle of Kings is CF the transplantation to the mobile phone games, the development team is very close in CF was added into the mobile version of the function of automatic aiming, players can need according to oneself to open, then in real combat with automatic target will be better, take a look at below in a variety of combat mode on the damage to the enemy. A, auxiliary classification You can see two auxiliary in the set. Auxiliary aim, is a kind of a...

标签: 游戏 穿越火线