新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《街头霸王5》春丽乳摇 街头霸王春丽BUG独占福利

《街头霸王5》春丽乳摇 街头霸王春丽BUG独占福利

"Street Fighter 5" street fighter BUG Chun Li Chun Li our exclusive benefits

2016-02-17 18:14:39来源: TechWeb

格斗大作《街头霸王5》已经正式登陆PS4和PC平台,正当玩家还在吐槽孱弱的联机服务器时,游戏中再被曝出BUG。 不过,这次的BUG可以算得上一个福利。 还记得早在《街头霸王5》初见雏形的时候玩家所发现的2P女性角色“乳摇”BUG吗?不记得的话下面这两幅动图可以帮你回忆~ 现在,据游...

Mortal Kombat "Street Fighter 5" has officially landed in PS4 and PC platform, online game player is still weak due to the server when the game Tucao, then were exposed to BUG. However, the BUG can be regarded as a welfare. Remember back in the "Street Fighter 5" began to take shape when the game player found 2P female characters "customers" BUG? Do not remember the words of the following two pictures can help you remember ~ now, according to travel...