新关注 > 信息聚合 > 知乎网友:打Dota遇到的最奇葩的事儿


Zhihu netizen: playing Dota met the most wonderful work

2016-02-10 14:06:45来源: 游久网

1.先知高台打野的都见过..你见过敌法高台打野的没.. 有一次我打东南亚服,遇到个泰国名字的敌法。这逼就默默提着一个补刀斧出了门就跳到天灾靠河道那边那个中野点边上高台树林里(就是先知平时高台的那个点)。那个地方居然tm近战也能打的到野怪..那敌法每次快到刷符了就跳出来拉波野然后吃了符跳...

1. The prophet tower of dozen wild all seen.. You seen the enemy tower of wild no.. Once hit southeast Asia, I met a Thai name against the law. This force is quietly carrying a last out of the door to natural disasters by axes river that nakano point tower of the forest on the edge (the prophet was the platform that point). The place to tm melee can dozen creeps.. Every time the enemy method quickly to wild brush operator will jump out to pull and then ate the operator...

标签: DOTA 知乎