新关注 > 信息聚合 > Twitch禁播《病娇模拟器》 内容尺度引发争议

Twitch禁播《病娇模拟器》 内容尺度引发争议

Twitch ban "Johnson simulator sickness" Content-scale controversy

2016-01-23 09:56:02来源: 电玩巴士

《病娇模拟器》是一款类型接近于《终极刺客》的潜入刺杀型PC独立游戏。最近这款游戏走在了风头浪尖上。Twitch将它列入了直播禁止名单中,直播这个游戏将会被ban号。 病娇(YANDERE)这个日语单词并没有很准确的英文对应概念,虽然开发者身在美国,可这个游戏从画面和内容设计上都是非常...

"Johnson simulator sickness" is a type close to the "Hitman" sneak into the assassination of an independent type PC game. Zuijin game walk in the limelight. Twitch to include it in the live ban list, this game will be broadcast ban number. Disease Jiao (YANDERE) The Japanese word in English is not very accurate correspondence concept, although the developers in the United States, can the game from the picture content and design are very ...

标签: Twitch